Wait, What?! A Yellow Watermelon?
Have you ever tried a yellow watermelon? The Japan Guy chanced upon one in his local supermarket and decided to give it a go.
The Japan Guy
Donald Ash is an ATLien expat who has been living in a Japanese time warp for the last seven-plus years. While in aforesaid time warp, he discovered that he absolutely loves writing, blogging, and sharing. Donald is the creator, writer, designer, editor, programmer and occasional bad artist of thejapanguy.com blog (yeah I know... way too many hats huh?). Wanna know more about this guy? You can find him at thejapanguy.com!
Have you ever tried a yellow watermelon? The Japan Guy chanced upon one in his local supermarket and decided to give it a go.
If you're thinking of traveling or move to Japan, the Japan Guy is here to tell you why fall is a great time to come.
If you had to choose between Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea, which would you choose?
Can't take the heat? Here are 15 ways to change your situation!
The Japan Guy tackles an age-old philosophical question: 'What's the deal with umbrellas here in Japan?'
The Japan Guy gives us his first impressions of a traditional Japanese inn in a refreshingly humorous way!
There's nothing more satisfying than finally settling down in your new pad. Here are some useful tips that can help you when choosing your new apartment in Japan.
Renting in Japan can be expensive, due in large part to that pain-in-the-butt key money. This exorbitantly expensive fee is a major reason why some foreigners may feel hesitant about moving to a new place. So what's the alternative?
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