Tokyo's 5 Hoppiest Rabbit Cafés
Cat cafés, bird cafés, owl cafés... and now, rabbit cafés. Because, Tokyo.
Rie Uchida
Writer ninja extraordinaire.
Cat cafés, bird cafés, owl cafés... and now, rabbit cafés. Because, Tokyo.
Whether you’re tired of jostling elbows at an overcrowded Starbucks or dying to unleash your inner cat lady, nothing beats drinking coffee in a cuddly catmosphere with a jillion furballs.
In a country where sipping tea with cats and boozing it up with penguins aren’t (so) out of the ordinary, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that coffee with reptiles is also now an option.
Here are a few bento books that we think you’ll find helpful and inspiring!
Smoke-free sipping may not be Japan-standard just yet, but now you can at least enjoy your coffee in clean air at a few more non-Starbucks chains almost anywhere in the country!
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