History of Same-Sex Samurai Love in Edo Japan
Thinking about samurai conjures up images of swords, honor, battles and blood. Chances are, homosexual relationships didn't enter your mind... until now.
Diletta Fabiani
I moved to Japan in 2013 for my Ph.D in International Relations at Waseda University. On the side, I write all kinds of things: novels in Italian, live reports on the Japanese rock and Visual Kei scene, and articles about other fun stuff you can see and do in Japan.
Thinking about samurai conjures up images of swords, honor, battles and blood. Chances are, homosexual relationships didn't enter your mind... until now.
Yaoi or Bara? GL or BL? And what about Yuri? If you're feeling confused by all the jargon, follow us through the complex world of homoerotic manga. You're in for some surprises!
Heard so much about New Year's 'osechi' cuisine that you’ve become an expert yourself? Read on to discover a whole world of other holiday cuisine in Japan!
While Japanese women hooking up with Western men is relatively common in Japan, the opposite isn't seen so much. Which begs the question: Why?
Love just might be one click away!
Don't know what to bring to Japan before you move here? Here's some handy advice from a self-described cheapo on how to make the best of your precious luggage space.
Are you really tired of paying those cash-on-delivery fees every time you order something online because no credit card company will accept you? If you have a Japanese phone number, the solution is right at your fingertips!
In need of a cool playlist to keep your visual kei spirit warm this winter? Look no further! We've got 25 snow-themed visual kei songs that are sure to warm your heart!
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