Key Castle Vocabulary
Don't know a 'tenshu' from a 'hori'? We're here to help!
Jcastle is a guide to the 210 castles in Japan I've personally visited and 124 donated by readers. My aim is to make it the most authoritative and comprehensive site available in English on Japanese castles.
Don't know a 'tenshu' from a 'hori'? We're here to help!
Hokkaido has only one castle; the rest of its fortifications are actually relatively modern forts. And in the late 1860s, they were the site of the last hurrah of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
What do you do once you've seen the big attraction and still want more castle action? We've got nine answers right here!
Spared many of the fierce territorial battles of the Warring States Period, the castles of northeastern Japan are a little different from those you'll find to the south and west.
Just because these castles are ruined doesn't mean they aren't spectacular!
The island of Shikoku may be small, but who would've guessed it once contained 16 amazing castles, all in various shapes and forms!
These castles may not have keeps, but many of them are much older than any of Japan's so-called "original construction" castles.
Like a phoenix rising from the flames, so too have these restored beauties come back to life to prosper again on our list of the best reconstructed castles across Japan.
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