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allabout japan
AAJ Editorial Team

AAJ Editorial Team

We love Japan, and we hope we can help you find something you can love about it, too! We're always looking for something fun, weird, exciting or intriguing to highlight just how fascinating this place can be.

More by AAJ Editorial Team
Preview of Tokyo Game Show 2017

Preview of Tokyo Game Show 2017

Coming to you live from Tokyo Game Show 2017, it's Wendell, the Managing Editor of All About Japan, along with writer Jack and Yoshitaka, our editorial assistant. And we're bringing you along as we take our first look at TGS 2017!

'Yuki Means Happiness'

'Yuki Means Happiness'

Even after leaving Japan, the nation lingers long in your memory. This British-American writer spun her time in Tokyo into her second novel—both a mystery story and a time capsule of Japan in the early '90s.

Unicycle Trials in Tokyo

Unicycle Trials in Tokyo

Go to any Japanese elementary school and you'll see that unicycling is popular among kids around the country. But Wataru Miyasaka has taken his unicycle game to the next level: unicycle trials, something that looks like parkour on one wheel!