Usual Landscapes Painted on Unusual Canvases
The majority of suburban Japan is a bland landscape of regular, cheaply constructed homes, along with shops and signage that dot the streets in colors that clash with the surrounding environment. Or, perhaps we’re just looking at it the wrong way, says artist Daisuke Samejima, who literally forces us to look at these scenes through a different frame. Working with acrylics, the painter uses irregular canvases as a trimming device to paint realistic yet regular scenes of the Japanese suburban life.
Samejima’s paintings on orbs, a series titled "Flatball" are particularly disorienting. The ultra-realistic paintings can easily be mistaken for photographs taken with a 360-degree camera. But upon closer observation, it becomes clear that it’s the work of acrylic paints and painstaking attention to detail.
Spoon & Tamago has all the vivid details of these stunning spheres. Click the link below to learn all about this amazing and unique project.