All About Japan

Top 10 Autumn Leaves Spots in Tokyo

Gardens Parks Autumn Colors Tokyo

With the harvest moon setting in on Japan in September each year, many see this as the official start of Autumn and take part in traditional Tsukimi (moon viewing ceremonies). Expect the temperatures to be anywhere between 57 to 64 degrees making it an ideal time to visit Japan.

10. Kuhonbutsu Joshinji Temple

This unique place is home to one of Tokyo’s oldest trees (it is over 700 years old). It is a huge complex just a few minutes’ walk from Kuhonbutsu station in Tokyo. The walkway to the temple is surrounded by maple and gingko trees on either side. It is located in a quiet residential area, and, in comparison to some of our other sites listed is much quieter. Alongside the beautiful color change, you’ll also be able to enjoy the numerous statues of Amida Nyorai at the temple site.

9. Mount Takao

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🍁Day2🍁 第二天4:45天都還沒亮就起床了! 前一天看著氣象🌧️眼淚差點流出來.. 睡醒想不到天氣好到不行😍 搭地鐵到新宿車站,搭京王線-特急京王八王子直達高尾山口。車程約一個小時十五分! - 這次東京自由行楓葉之旅中,最讓我印象深刻的必然是距離最遙遠的高尾山,搭著登山電鐵一路上行,兩旁枯枝欲落的晚秋楓葉仍讓我難以忘懷,也難怪會被法國米其林旅遊指南日本版評選為最高等級的三星級必去觀光景點! 山地靠近東京都心,每年有數百萬的遊客前往,被稱為「世界上登山者數量第一的山峰」。 我在這邊按了不下五百張快門,有陽光的楓葉實在好美❤️ 待日後再慢慢分享! #東京 #高尾山 #高尾山紅葉

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One of the closest natural recreational areas to Tokyo is Mount Tako. Popular with hikers, thanks to the many trails, many people head to Mount Takao for the autumnal period. If you want to avoid the crowds we’d suggest that you avoid trail one as this is the most popular. The other trails are narrower and perhaps more difficult, but you’ll be awarded to your own personal pathway through the stunning sites of Mount Takao under the colorful foliage. Make it to the summit (there’s a cable car) and on a bright day, you’ll be able to see Mount Fuji.

8. Showa Memorial Park

8. Showa Memorial Park

Also known as Showa Kinen Park this beautiful location is breathtaking throughout the year. In Autumn, take a stroll along the river and you’ll see the golden hues of the trees. This enormous park was created in 1983 and is easily a day worth of exploring. It is an hour west of central Tokyo, so can easily be accessed as a day-out. This is one of the romantic spots on our list, expect it to be busy during peak time and seasons.

7. Otaguro Park

Another off-the-beaten-track listing is Otaguro Park which was once the former residence of Motoo Otaguro. If you’re interested, his house, which is now a museum is open to visitors. Stroll around the gardens at the site and you’ll see a perfect mixture of both ginkgo and maple trees. The ginkgo trees turn a beautiful golden color, while the maple leaves turn a deep red.

6. Todoroki Ravine Park

Next on our list is slightly off the beaten track. You’ll feel like you have the whole place to enjoy to yourself. It’s such a romantic spot and is perfect for you and your loved one. It is a small family-run park, and, for us, the highlights have to be the adorable wooden walkway that leads you to a red bridge. It is twenty minutes away from central Tokyo but believe us when we say that it is totally worth it.

5. Tokyo National Museum

5. Tokyo National Museum

Located on the periphery of Ueno Park this museum has many delights in-store, but also simply standing outside on an autumnal day is breathtaking. The foreboding backdrop of the museum building itself makes a perfect contrast to the vibrant colors of the trees surrounding it. If you are searching for an Insta-worthy shot then look no further than the Tokyo National Museum. In fact, on a bright yet crisp autumn day, you’ll see many fellow revelers in tow.

See the rest of the list from Trip101 via the link below!

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