8 Reasons Japanese Rest-Stop Bathrooms Rock
Grace from Texan in Tokyo has far too much to say about Japanese toilets to get it all out in one go. Here she wrings it down to just rest-stop bathrooms, presenting her eight reasons why they are surprisingly practical.
By Texan in Tokyo1. They Were Built to Hold Massive Amounts of People at One Time

Japanese rest stops understand that when a bus stops, there could be up to 100 women who need to use the bathroom. Most bathrooms have several columns of toilets in a row, specifically designed so that people can tell which ones are still unoccupied.
2. They Understand that Women Need Mirrors

Some rest-stop bathrooms even have a special room where you can fix your make-up (without a pesky sink in the way). Sometimes they combine the two and compensate by making a ridiculous amount of sinks with mirrors. Then, underneath the mirrors, they have a shelf where you can put your purse (so it won’t get wet) or make-up (so you can reach it more easily).
3. They Have Silly Signs Telling You How to Use the Toilet Correctly

Like this one.
4. They Occasionally Have a Sign that Tells You What Kind of Toilets They Have, Whether They're Occupied or Not & What Kind of Facilities there Are

Right away, you know what kind of toilet it is, how big it is, if there are any baby chairs, and whether it's occupied. Sometimes the sign isn’t electronic. I still find that helpful, since I’m not such a fan of the Japanese-style squat toilets. I don’t have leg muscles. Squatting for extended periods of time doesn’t work.
Read the top four at Texan in Tokyo!