10 Ways to Save Money on Electricity in Winter
Electricity costs in winter can go through the roof because more energy is needed for heating and your time spent indoors increases. If you want to survive winter in Japan at the lowest possible cost, follow these helpful tips for saving on electricity.
By Masayoshi Sakamoto (坂本正敬)1. Clean the AC filter
The Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of Japan suggests cleaning the filter of your air conditioning unit once every two weeks. Such regular cleaning will save you ¥860 annually, according to the agency.
2. Place your electric heater in front of your window
As air flows, it can escape from small holes near windows or mix with air coming in from the outside. Therefore, if you place your heater far from the window, the hot air from the heater will get colder as it circulates near the window, the agency says. To counter this, place the heater in front of the window and minimize heat loss.
3. Aim downward
As you may know, hot air rises. So the wind direction of the air conditioner should be aimed downward for you to feel more warmth. In addition, you can turn on a fan and point it upward to mix the air in your room.
4. Increase the humidity in your room
According to the agency, humans feel warmer as the humidity rises even if the temperature hasn't changed.
5. Close your curtains
Warmth escapes through the window, so closing the curtains can help prevent heat loss.
6. Clear the area around your AC unit
If anything is blocking the outdoor unit of your air conditioner, the efficiency of heating the inside of your home decreases.
7. Adjust the temperature of your refrigerator
When it turns to winter, you don’t need your refrigerator to cool things with the same power as in summer. So, you can adjust temperature setting. Only changing the setting from high to medium-power can save you about ¥1,670 annually, the agency says.
8. Shut the toilet seat cover
If your toilet has a heated seat, don’t forget closing the toilet seat cover. Just shutting the cover properly can save you about ¥940 annually, according to the agency. Keeping the lid cover closed can also prevent heat loss.
9. Bundle up
It’s a given fact that putting on more clothes while staying in your room can save more energy for heat.
10. Stay warm from within
Finally, having hot drinks and eating foods that will warm your body are also effective. Combine all of the tips above and you'll be able to survive this winter comfortably at the lowest possible cost.
- www.enecho.meti.go.jp (Japanese)