LGBT+ Groups & Activities in Japan

As visibility for the LGBT+ community is growing around Japan, so are the number of groups that promote awareness. Whether you consider yourself a member of the LGBTQIAP+ spectrum, or a supportive ally, we've compiled a list of a few great organizations and meetup groups that are always welcoming new, friendly faces.
By Jackie TalkenTokyo Rainbow Pride Week
One great way to meet many people in the LGBT+ community (and allies), Tokyo Rainbow Pride Week 2017 is from April 29 to May 7. There will be a variety of exhibitions, lectures, parties (such as the Happy Pride Tea Dance), workshops (such as Yoga in the Park) and other events. Rainbow Pride Week ends with the parade and festa. The festa is a two-day event featuring stage performances, booths and stalls selling anything and everything over the rainbow! You can also walk in the Pride Parade on Sunday, May 7, starting at 12 pm, or cheer on the colorful floats from the sidelines! We've got more information on the history of the event here.
If you're not living in Tokyo, you'll be happy to note there are other pride events around Japan! And if you're looking for year-round events and activities, you're in luck! Read on for even more activities that promote and support the LGBT+ community of Japan.
Stonewall Japan
Stonewall Japan is the largest community group for international and Japanese LGBT+ people living in Japan. The group aims to offer a safe space for people to network with others and provide information and resources by holding events , facilitating an active group on Facebook, answering questions via email and maintaining resources on our website.
Stonewall Japan also facilitates Facebook groups for individual blocks as well: Stonewall Tohoku & Hokkaido, Stonewall Kanto East: Tokyo, Chiba, Gunma, Ibaraki, Saitama and Tochigi, Stonewall Kanto West: Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Yamanashi, Nagano, Stonewall Chubu: Aichi, Fukui, Gifu, Ishikawa, Niigata, Toyoma, Stonewall Kansai: Hyogo, Osaka, Kyoto, Wakayama, Shiga, Nara, Mie, Stonewall Shikoku, Stonewall Kyushu, and Stonewall Okinawa.
Not Alone Cafe
Not Alone Cafe is held the first Sunday afternoon of each month, welcoming gay and bisexual men regardless of their level of Japanese proficiency. Drop by to enjoy conversation with your fellow brothers in basic Japanese or in your own language, with drinks of course!
Bi-National Same-Sex Couples
This group of bi-national same-sex couples and supporters comes together to share the enjoyment of their different cultures. They also discuss and work together on the unique issues they face, including visa and residency issues and the ongoing struggle to legalize same-sex marriage in Japan.
Fruits in Suits
世界初の同性婚から26年。デンマーク大使、日本初の同性パートナーシップ証明を発行する東京・渋谷区長に日本のLGBTコミュニティに貢献した人に贈られるアワードを授与。LGBT支援団体Fruits in Suitsの一周年記念イベント。
— 駐日デンマーク大使館 (@DanishEmbTokyo) September 14, 2015
Fruits in Suits Tokyo (FiNS Tokyo) is a social networking organization for LGBT+ professional men and women. The group regularly invites scheduled speakers as well as host social events with groundbreaking discussions. Their mission: Inform. Unite. Change.
Dyke Weekend
Dyke Weekend (DWE) is a fun and mutually empowering space where lesbians and bisexual women (cis, trans, FtX/genderqueer)—both Japanese as well as numerous other nationalities—can share ideas, build new friendships and strengthen the community. The semi-annual weekends feature discussions, team sports, BBQs, workshops, arts and crafts sessions, musical performances, legendary afterparties and more.
Meetup is a website that aims to bring people together through many different kinds of groups: from cooking and writing to running and photography—and yes, there are LGBT+ groups, too! These groups organize a variety of events and activities with the intent of helping you find like-minded individuals and a sense of community. In Japan, there are several groups, including:
Tokyo LGBTQIAP+ and Supporters
Picnics, hikes, lunches, onsen outings, movies, dance parties... a wide variety of events with one simple purpose: to make friends, strengthen community and create fellowship amongst the LGBT+ community and its supporters.
Tokyo Gay Book Group
If you love to read and make new friends, this cheery book group with its lively discussions over drinks is for you. High-quality fiction is on the menu, including books with LGBT+ authors or themes. Meetings are once a month in the Shibuya area and discussions are in English.
Tokyo LGBTQIAPD+ Photography Group
Do you love photography? This group gets together for photo walks around Tokyo, from sunsets over Yokohama bay to the Torinoichi Festival at the Hanazono Shrine next to Shinjuku Ni-chome. They also go to photo exhibitions at art museums. It’s a great way to explore they city and take some fabulous shots!
Transsexual & Transgender Tokyo
This is a safe place to meet with other English-speaking trans people (pre-, post-, or mid-transition) living in or visiting Tokyo. Members come together to discuss and help each other with the various issues and challenges that are specific to trans people, and to advocate for social recognition and acceptance. This group is also supportive of sex workers and people from all ethnic backgrounds.