Supplements from Japan to Support Healthy Life

Dietary supplements aim to help you maintain your well-being with constituents such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, herbs, essential oils and enzymes derived from a variety of typically natural sources. Check out the eight options below and see what might be right for you!
By 100 JAPANAo Papaya Kouso
Ao Papaya Kouso is made from whole green papaya grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizer in the Philippines. Green papaya is rich in the enzyme papain, which breaks down proteins. A long-established product, Ao Papaya Kouso is popular both domestically and abroad. Available in powder and tablet form.
Etique-Vivit's theme is body odors. It contains a good balance of champignon extract, sporogenous Lactobacillus, raw coffee bean extract and burdock root powder.
Hakata Olive Tea

Hakata Olive Tea is made of 100 percent Kyushu olive leaves. It contains vitamin E, iron, calcium and polyphenols to support healthy diet, skin and metabolism. Drinking too much may result in stomach discomfort.
Lactic Acid Bacteria Supplement
This Lactic Acid Bacteria Supplement contains mixed oligosaccharides, which promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the stomach.
Multi Vital Amino
HERBA’s Multi Vital Amino is programmed with essential nutrients recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). It contains animal and vegetable protein with eight essential amino acids, 13 essential vitamins recommended by the WHO and 18 essential minerals that help maintain health, beautiful skin and nutritional balance during sports or dieting.
Constituents such as aloe arborescens, piper longum and green papaya extract balance with nutritional constituents to support a smooth dietary lifestyle.
Vigor includes a synergistic balance of grape polyphenol, lychee polyphenol, soybean isoflavone and black cohosh. It's themed on women's beauty and vitality.
Vital Eye
Vital Eye is based on the concept of giving eyes vitality. Each capsule contains a balance of nutrients and functional ingredients including crocetin, lutein and wild bilberry.