7 Oddly Useful Items from the ¥100 Shop
You might be surprised what new items your local ¥100 shop has in store. With plenty to choose from at incredibly low prices, you can experiment with these new products without worrying about the cost of investment. Let's take a look at seven must-try items!
By Bua Loy7. Hairbrush Mesh
ウィッグブラシのためにブラシケアネット買ってみた。ブラシにシャンプーつけて湯船かき混ぜるだけでも良いんだけど、手元が木製だから乾き辛いのよね。このネット使えば水洗いする頻度少なくできるかも。 pic.twitter.com/zsvGK8hn
— ジジの落書き(仮) (@zizithedoll) November 28, 2012
Have you ever had trouble getting the hair out of your brush? Here's one solution: put this mesh net around your hairbrush before using it. When you're finished brushing, the hair can easily be removed along with the net. Problem solved!
6. Can Rack
— ゆ~ま (@yuma_lockon) August 1, 2016
縦置きしてこのまま野菜室にも収まって収納性バツグン! pic.twitter.com/rxF3dsJV1y
The deepest part of the refrigerator is very much like The Twilight Zone. Because of poor access, you might even forget what's living (maybe even growing) back there. To keep your cans sorted and to quickly pull them out in an orderly way, grab one of these can racks!
5. Toilet Brush with Mirror
— 桃色吐息 (@i1997b2012) January 25, 2017
トイレとブラシでさえ相性の良いもの同士が出会えないんだから、人間もちょうど良い組み合わせには簡単には巡り会えないよね。 pic.twitter.com/GSu2LoliKa
This is one of those inventions you might not have thought about that'd likely make your life easier. We often don't see the edge of the toilet and what's hiding on the underside. But near the end of this brush is a mirror that allows us to see and clean what we might have missed before. You can flush at ease after properly cleaning your toilet now!
4. Power Scissors
固いものを切るためのハサミかよ! pic.twitter.com/srzH202jHN
— ともあき™ (@ShibuyaSendai) June 4, 2015
Typical scissors need a lot of force to cut through things like cardboard or the thick plastic of credit cards. However, these durable scissors not only save you money, but also muscle power. Made for heavy cutting, they can cleanly cut through those tougher materials with easy-to-grip handles.
3. Window Alarm

Planning on going away for a weekend and looking for a little peace of mind? This window-mounted alarm will help you relax while you spend time away from home. When your window slides open, the alarm goes off to alert your neighbors and drive away a would-be burglar. Keep in mind, however, this is suitable for sliding windows only.
2. Remote Shutter Release for Smartphones
— 岡井ハルコ ⑩巻ワイキキ食堂出ます! (@okaiharuko) December 24, 2016
便利ですが、散らかった部屋の中でこ汚い格好の女が珍妙なポーズをとっているのをみなくてはならないのが精神的に結構なダメージ pic.twitter.com/Vzf2CFFP3R
For many, the selfie stick was the greatest cellphone add-on of all time. Now why not upgrade and give a remote shutter release a try? The remote shutter release allows you to take pictures from a distance instead of holding your phone (or selfie stick) in your hand. Use it with your favorite tripod to get perfect pictures without any distortion from moving the camera during use. These are presently for the iPhone only, however—Android users may have to wait a bit.
1. LED Candles That Extinguish When Blown
Want the smooth warm light of a candle without the danger of fire? These candles may just be your next favorite purchase. And, like real candles, you can actually blow them out when you're done! The secret: inside the candle-inspired lamp is a motion sensor. If you blow into the sensor, it will extinguish the fire! You won't believe that this ingenious candle is only ¥100!