Surreal J-pop Bangs Sell Biscuits
Like your J-pop with surreal singing biscuits and and eight bang-bearing eyeless idols? Look no further than 5572320 (Go-go-nana-ni-san-ni-rei), a not-so-subtle side project from members of idol group Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku.
Composed by no less a luminary than Yoko Kanno of, well, basically every anime that mattered in the '90s, the girls' second single, “Ponpara Pecorna Papiyotta,” has racked up more than 1 million views since its YouTube release on October 4 with its Daliesque visuals and Bohemian Rhapsody-meets-J-pop sound.
The video is actually an elaborate attention-getting ad for Coconut Sable, a canned biscuit product that celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2015. How can you tell? Well, aside from the prolific biscuit imagery, if you say the band's name fast enough in Japanese, it even sounds distinctly similar to the crispy sponsor product.