All About Japan

Artist Duo Turns Japanese Puns into Art

Art Comedy

Dajare is a form of Japanese wordplay, much like a pun, that relies on similar-sounding words to form the joke. And in Japan, these puns are literally everywhere.

In 2015, photographer Ryo Katsumura and graphic designer Shun Inanuma got together and formed DAJAART, a portmanteau of the words dajare and art. Together, they're attempting to reproduce puns as aesthetically pleasing compositions.

For example, Futon ga futtonda (above left) translates as, "The futon flew away" (where futon is mattress and futtonda means "flew away"). Now can you guess the pun for the photo on the right?

Punning in Japanese requires lifelong dedication—it helps to have a good sensei humor! Check out more fun, punny images from these two artists at Spoon & Tamago below!

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