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Feed the Fish in Your Own Digital Aquarium!

By Japan Trends

The Picturerium is a great toy that really takes technology to a wonderful new level! First, kids get to color in various aquatic cards before scanning them with a smartphone placed on top of the mini-aquarium. After scanning, the fish magically appear inside, creating a wonderful experience for any child. You can even scan images of food that the fish in the aquarium will rush to eat!

Check out the video above, then head on over to Japan Trends below!

Japan Trends

From design to politics, anime to tech, JapanTrends is devoted to telling the rest of the world about all the things happening in Asia’s most exciting place. High tech Japan? Definitely. Cool Japan? Of course. Wacky Japan? Sometimes. We cover both the good and the bad about Japan, bringing you news and analysis of the latest fashions and trends bursting out of this complex but little-understood culture.