Because Ninja Need Naps Too!
Japan is awash with options for accommodation. You can find everything here, from business hotels to bed-and-breakfast joints, and even a less luxurious option—the capsule hotel. However, this capsule hotel just outside of Tokyo wants to provide guests with all the comforts of a resort without breaking the bank.
By Wendell T. HarrisonNot for the Claustrophobic
One of the many unique types of accommodation found in Japan, the capsule hotel is a very convenient and inexpensive option for someone who doesn't need the amenities of a normal hotel. The tiny cabins—approximately 2 meters by 1 meter by 1.25 meters (6.7 ft x 3.3 ft x 4.1 ft)—and communal bathrooms aren't for everyone, but not all capsule hotels are created equal.
For the Nighttime Ninja
The Business Inn New City capsule hotel in Yokohama hopes to set itself apart with its themed rooms and public facilities. This hotel has some of the same features you'd find in a resort hotel for a fraction of the price. And, in honor of Ninja Day, the newest theme room is the ninja room. Complete with tatami floors and throwing star designs covering the walls, this is a great place for sleepy shinobi to crash.
Get Into Hot Water
While the cabin is pretty small, the five-story hotel itself is pretty expansive. Guests have access to relaxing baths as well as a choice of dry or mist sauna.
Food Fit for a Koga King!
Although there isn't a curfew and guests are able to leave the facilities as they please, with a restaurant on-site, there's no need to go out. Other facilities include a manga café with over 25,000 comics as well as 400 movie titles.
Rules & Reservations
Unfortunately, like many establishments in Japan, patrons with tattoos are not allowed. Also, this capsule hotel is for men only, so kunoichi will have to find another suitable place to take a break.
Weekday rates run at ¥4,000 (about US$35.80) while the weekend is slightly higher at ¥4,500 (US$40). The site offers limited English but reservations can be made here.