Impressions on Kyoto Manga Museum
Brazilian YouTuber Mikannn is a self-identified gaming and anime nerd who created a series of videos about her trip to Japan. Her tour included a manga café, a Pokémon center and the original Nintendo building, among other key sites, and in this video she gives us her impressions (in Portuguese) of the Kyoto International Manga Museum.
Opened in 2006, the museum holds approximately 300,000 items related to Japanese manga, from Meiji-Period (1868-1912) magazines to modern manga and comics from around the world. In addition to special exhibitions, workshops and a manga studio where you can see professional artists at work, visitors can freely select volumes from the 200-meter (219-yd) "Wall of Manga," which features some 50,000 publications from the 1970s to the present day. Cataloged items from the remaining collection can be requested for research purposes.